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‘Tis the season to be jolly, but for many of us, it’s also the season to feel alone. Whether you are single, or just feeling lonely this holiday season, we’ve got some tips that will help you find social connections and have a ho-ho-hot Christmas.

Things You Can Do on Your Own at Christmas

First of all, don’t discount the idea of having a solo Christmas. There are plenty of ways to make your own special traditions and create an enjoyable day for yourself with no one else around. Bake some festive treats, like gingerbread cookies or candy canes; go ice skating; watch Christmas movies; listen to carols; start a new holiday hobby like making wreaths or knitting scarves; curl up with a good book next to the fire; take yourself out for dinner or drinks. The possibilities are endless!

Ways You Can Find Social Things To Do At Christmas

If you do decide that you want to get out and about during the holidays, there are plenty of ways to find social things to do at Christmas. Join online groups or forums related to your interests and hobbies—you never know who else might be looking for people in their area with whom they can celebrate the holidays. Look into volunteer opportunities in your area—you can give back while also meeting new people who share your passion for helping others. Check out local meetups in person or virtually—there are always events going on during the holidays that bring together people from various backgrounds and lifestyles. And if all else fails…there’s always Tinder!

Christmas doesn't have to be a lonely time of year! By being creative, taking initiative and seeking out social connections that match your interests, you can make sure that your holiday is merry and bright even if you're spending it alone this year. So go forth and have yourself a ho-ho-hot Christmas in whatever way makes you happy!

Charlie x